Central Landscapes


Tracy from Central Landscapes got in touch as she was keen to get professional photography of a new product called Organic-Lock that they were starting to promote.

Organic-Lock is made from renewable plant resource and designed to be blended with crushed aggregate to create natural looking pathways. The binder locks aggregate in place to minimise erosion and maintenance while still allowing water to permeate into the groundwater table.

We decided to shoot at 4 sites where Organic-Lock had been installed to showcase some colour options and the variety of locations it can be used.

We had a pre shoot meeting at Central Landscape office to discuss the product and the locations. Tracy and I had a walk-through of one site location to go over the finer details of how it is installed and any important features to focus on.

We used both drone and ground photography to showcase both the closeup detail of the product as well as the scale it can be used in. A shooting plan, drone permissions/permits/airspace were lodged and then we were away and shooting.

Below are a few images from each location
A private property
Wynyard tank farm
Auckland Zoo




Pacific Heights